Drilling Has Commenced!
In the third quarter, continued pumping has moved the water level down to about 140’ from collar of the shaft. The water level continues to drop about 1-2 feet per day, six days a week. We drilled an exploration hole at the 112 foot level that went one hundred feet deep into the southeast portion of the wall. At the same level, we also drilled about twenty-five feet into the southeast section of the wall. Samples of promising looking minerals were removed and have been sent off to assay for analysis.
West Hunter Shaft
We have opened the West Hunter (also called German) shaft and set up a portable head-frame. We are working on the shaft with the goal of tunneling to it from the Bates and using it as an emergency egress, as well as for mining and exploration.

Water Treatment Plant
Pumping at the water treatment plant is now ongoing at about 300 gallons per minute. The filtration system has removed a significant amount of sludge which is being evaluated in order to determine the type of landfill to which it will be delivered.