Geological, Environmental, and Metallurgical Testing Underway!
Geologic, environmental and metallurgical testing is underway. Samples from the 112 and 163 foot levels have been assayed by a third party as well as crushed and ground at our field laboratory. Assay results below.
The laboratory processing resulted in recovery of the first gold we’ve taken from the Bates Hunter since work commenced. We were all quite excited when visible gold appeared on the laboratory gravity table because not only was this our first gold, but it was the first gold taken out of the mine since work stopped about a hundred years ago. We believe our journey has taken its first important step.

Golden Gilpin Mill Progress
Work on the Golden Gilpin Mill has progressed, with significant clean up, inspection of timber framing, and engineering/ planning for the structural augmentation of the building to meet current building and land use code in the City of Black Hawk. Geotechnical drilling adjacent to the mill is planned for Q2 where the tailings dewatering building may be located.

Bates Hunter Mine Dewatering Progress
Mine dewatering has reached 270 feet below the collar. Spring runoff from recent snow storms has temporarily slowed the advance rate, allowing the mining team to focus on the ladders, landings, utilities and the commencement of work in the West Hunter shaft.
West Bates Hunter Shaft Progress
The West Hunter shaft is 360 feet south-west of the Bates-Hunter shaft. It is being rehabilitated, with the installation of ladders and landings in anticipation of exploration in this part of the Bates vein. The Bates-Hunter mine will need a completed secondary escape-way prior to full-scale mining; and the West Hunter shaft provides an excellent solution as well as an opportunity for exploration as the two shafts are connected.