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2023 | NOTES FROM THE UNDERGROUND - The Thrill of The Mill!

Greetings from Central City/ Black Hawk where the hills are alive with the sound of crushing.

This week marked a long awaited milestone for the GS Mining Company. The crushing circuit is complete. Rather than my one thousand words, let’s go directly to the video.

It was an exciting moment for me to be able to push all the right buttons and start up the mill. The video shows the journey of rock that has gone though the Jaw Crusher and is on the conveyor belt heading for the Fine Ore Bin. From there it makes its way by belts and scoops to the Ball Mill and the Rake Classifier to complete the crushing circuit. What was dumped into the Coarse Ore Bin has become sand laden with gold which will be freed and separated by remaining wet procedures. As I type these notes, the team is connecting the plumbing and fine tuning the journey. The next Note I expect to send later this month, will be golden.

If I can add a personal note – as thrilling as this is, it is also a bittersweet moment. This was Steve King’s vision and dream, and he is deeply missed. In his honor and memory, there will be a plaque affixed to the building designating this historic structure as:

The Stephen D. King

Golden Gilpin Mill

Meanwhile, back at the Bates Hunter Mine, we’ve been engaged in significant updates that will allow us to pump and purify water – better and faster than ever before. For those of you who remember the installation of Big Blue, here is a picture of Big Blue II.

It arrived a couple of weeks ago and is already installed. We are awaiting the delivery of a second and larger Filter Press that will work in tandem with our existing one and complete the major upgrades. We expect to start pumping by the end of this week or the beginning of next.

As always, stay tuned for further announcements.

Franklin Levy

GS Mining Company




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